Sunday 8 May 2011

Matthew Fox OCR Media Studies Blog

Welcome to my Homepage, within this blog you will be able to see the process of documentary making. Alongside my group we created our own documentary called 'Becoming Vegan', it documents one person's journey through the vegan lifestyle. 

Below is our documentary 'Becoming Vegan'.
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In order to help promote the documentary I created my own 'Becoming Vegan' poster and Double-page spread of which is featured on this blog. This blog also features the design processes for these promotional pieces as well as researching our audience via questionnaires and then evaluating my feedback.

This blog will also show you my documentary analysis where I have viewed a selection of different documentaries and evaluated them in order to understand certain conventions that a documentary must feature in order to succeed. Also within this Blog I have evaluated the creative process of our practical production and my ancillary texts. Becoming Vegan filming images are also able for viewing.

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